PUBG Mobile: How To Follow Or Invite To Jump Together
If you’re new to PUBG Mobile and are wondering how other players have been inviting you to jump together at the beginning of each match, here’s a simple guide to the battle royale game’s Follow and Invite mechanics.
Owing to the relatively smaller screens on mobile devices, marking jump points and coinciding landings is a tad harder, especially for the new player, than it is on the PC version of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. While higher screen resolutions and sizes on newer Android and iOS flagship devices may help allay such concerns, there is still the matter of mobile game controls lacking agility overall. To counter this problem PUBG Mobile has an offering that allows teammates to automatically mirror each others’ movements precisely during the para jump at the beginning of each match. Players can choose to follow any teammate or invite others to follow them. Here’s how that works.
How to Invite a Teammate to Jump Together in PUBG Mobile
You can invite one or all of your teammates to jump with you at the beginning of a Duos or Squad match, from the time your character spawns in the waiting area till all your teammates have jumped out of the plane. This is what you have to do:
1. Tap the Follow button below the list of your squad members displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.
2. Hit the Invite button in front of a teammate to let them know you want them to jump with you. If the teammate accepts your request, they will automatically jump at the exact same time as you and follow you till the time you land.
Note that failing to respond to a Follow invite within a certain time causes it to be automatically accepted and that teammates can choose to Unfollow you at any time.
How to Follow a Teammate to Jump Together in PUBG Mobile
You can also pick a squad member of choice to follow before they jump off the plane. The actions involved here are roughly the same.
1. Tap the Follow button below the list of your teammates displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.
2. From the two options displayed beside your squad member of choice, hit Follow again and your character will automatically jump at the exact same time as said teammate and follow them till the time you land.
While you’re following a squad member, the Jump button changes to Unfollow, which you can tap at any point before or after the jump, till you land, to regain control of your character.
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