Cydia Tweaks Compatible With iOS 11.4, iOS 11.3.1 Electra Jailbreak
While the excitement surrounding new iOS jailbreak solutions seems to have whittled away with the passing years as well as the maturing of Apple’s premiere mobile OS, but it seems there are still many lying in wait for an opportunity to free their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch devices from Apple’s clutches. It has been, as of this writing, no more than four days since the release of Electra 1131 – the first publicly available jailbreak solution for iOS 11.4, and iOS 11.3.1 through iOS 11.2 – and the tool has already been used to jailbreak approximately 130,000 devices. It is clear that there is still a market for jailbreak tools, not to mention the vast number of tweaks and apps that become available as a result.
Not all of those tweaks are compatible with newly jailbroken versions of iOS, however, with some being rendered obsolete by advancements in iOS and others requiring an update by the developer. This can, during the first few weeks following a new jailbreak, make browsing Cydia a harrowing task. Looking for new Cydia tweaks and apps becomes much more fun if you know which ones are safe to install. To that end, as has been the case following past jailbreak releases, users have begun compiling compatibility lists for existing Cydia tweaks. We’ve picked the two we found the most helpful and included them here for your perusal.
Electra 1131 Cydia Tweak Compatibility List for iOS 11.4, 11.3.1 – 11.0
This compatibility list, compiled over at Google Spreadsheets, is being maintained by the folks behind the Electra 1131 jailbreak themselves, which might give it a bit more credibility than our alternative, but it isn’t nearly as populated. It would be best if you kept a precautionary eye on both lists.
Note that the title of the spreadsheet currently reads “iOS 11.0 – 11.3.1 Cydia Package Compatibility,” but it does apply to iOS 11.4 as well. You can view the spreadsheet here.
Tweak Compatibility Checker or TweakCompatible List
The second, and perhaps better, option is a web app called Tweak Compatibility Checker hosted over at developer jlippold’s GitHub. The app collects its data directly from users of the TweakCompatible jailbreak app. The list seems to be regularly populated and covers jailbroken versions of iOS starting from iOS 7.1.2 all the way to iOS 11.3.1 and iOS 11.4. The web app allows you to search for individual tweaks, filter them by iOS version, and sort them in a variety of ways.
You may have to wait a few seconds for the list to populate when you open up the web page. If you’d like to contribute to the list yourself, go ahead and add the repository to Cydia and install the TweakCompatible app.
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