30+ Best Cydia Tweaks For iOS 11 – 11.3.1, iOS 11.4
Following a lull through the beginning of 2018, during which iOS power-users had begun to lose faith in the future of jailbreak, the release of Electra 1131 for iOS 11 – 11.4 gave the community a new lease on life. Not long after the new tool helped many a jailbreak aficionado unshackle their iOS device from Apple’s restrictive clutches, new jailbreak tweaks and apps came pouring down once again.
It’s been a while since then, and as we normally do around this time, we decided to compile a list of our favorite iOS 11-compatible packages from the Cydia store. Our primary criterion, as always, was to include newer, lesser-known tweaks, especially those made specifically for iOS 11 and its new features. There are quite a few to go through here, and we will be adding more with time as we find them, so be sure to bookmark this article to stay privy of updates.
So, without further ado, here are the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 11 – 11.4. Which one is your favorite?
1. BioProtect X
Locks individual apps, Control Center toggles, folders, and more with Face ID, Touch ID, or passcode.
Price: $2.99
Repo: limneos.net/repo
2. InteliX
Groups notifications by app, much like iOS 12.
Price: $1.99
Repo: repo.packix.com
3. Semperon
Offers an always-on display interface similar to the one found in many Android phones, complete with notification indicators and protection against display burn-in.
Price: $1.99
Repo: repo.packix.com
4. LittleX
Adds iPhone X navigation gestures and UI elements (such as the Home bar) to older iPhone devices.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
5. Shortlook
Makes incoming notifications easier to view while the display is off. Large indicators and bare-bones information offers easier viewing at a glance, especially from a distance.
Price: $3.99
Repo: repo.dynastic.co
6. FastUnlockX
Automatically unlocks the iPhone X screen when Face ID detects an authorized face, eliminating the need to swipe up on the Lock screen.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
7. Silo
Lets you customize the arrangement of Control Center elements by changing the order of items in the Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls screen.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
8. TweakCompatible
Adds compatibility indicators to packages in Cydia, making it easier for you to know if a tweak or app will work with your version of iOS. The compatibility status of packages is determined by reports from the jailbreak community.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
9. BatteryPercentX
Displays battery percentage in the status bar at all times instead of only while within the Control Center.
Price: Free
Repo: beta.sparkservers.co.uk
10. Barmoji
Displays frequently used emoji in the free space below the keyboard on iPhone X and within the predictive text bar on older iPhones.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
11. Portrait Lighting Enabler
Enables Portrait lighting feature in the Camera app on unsupported iOS devices.
Price: Free
Repo: kdog0598.github.com
12. EasySwitcherX
Lets you dismiss individual apps in the app switcher with an upward swipe à la iOS 12.
Price: Free
Repo: beta.sparkservers.co.uk
13. FloatingDock
Offers an iPad-like floating Dock on iPhone, complete with suggested and recent apps.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
14. CallBar X
Reduces the call interface to a slim, customizable banner aligned to the top or bottom of the screen.
Price: $3.99
Repo: limneos.net/repo
15. noNotch
Hides the iPhone X notch, or rather, makes it inconspicuous by masking the top portion of the background.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
16. FullScreenX / NoMoreSmallApps
Enables full-screen support for all apps on iPhone X.
Price: Free
Repo: perrycucko.github.io
17. BatteryNotch
Indicates the battery level with a thin color-coded line around the iPhone X notch.
Price: $1.50
Repo: repo.packix.com
18. Rooster
Lets you toggle notifications for individual apps from their 3D Touch menu on the Home screen.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
19. RequireFull
Allows any app to run in Split View on iPad.
Price: Free
Repo: zhigang1992.github.io/cydia
20. Jumper
Let’s you replace the Flashlight and Camera quick actions on the Lock screen with shortcuts to apps of your choice.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
21. Stylish11
Let’s you tweak various UI elements across iOS 11, including those in the Control Center, Spotlight, Lock screen, and Home screen.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
22. 0vigilate (Vigilate)
Patches the Palert tweak to work with iOS 11. Palert brings gorgeous tvOS-like full-screen alerts to iOS.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.auxiliumdev.com
23. MusicDockX
Adds a system-wide music dock that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Price: Repository subscription
Repo: member.sparkservers.co.uk
24. Artsy
Modifies Lock screen, Control Center, Spotify, and Music app backgrounds based on the album art of the currently playing song.
Price: Free
Repo: mdaus.ch/repo
25. SugarCane
Adds percentage labels to Control Center brightness and volume controls.
Price: Free
Repo: packix.ioscreatix.com
26. Pikabu
Replaces the default volume HUD with a more compact, minimalistic one that is displayed in the status bar.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.xarold.com
27. DoubleTapLock
Let’s you lock your device from with a double-tap on the Home screen.
Price: Free
Repo: beta.sparkservers.co.uk
28. AnimationsBeFast
Lets you control the speed of system animations.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.xarold.com
29. 3Edgy5Me
Brings Galaxy S8-like Edge notifications to iPhone, displaying custom lighting along the edge of the screen when a notification is received, even when the display is off.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
30. NoLargeTitles
Replaces the large, bold, left-aligned app titles in iOS 11 with the smaller, center-aligned labels from past iOS iterations.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
Dark Mode Tweaks
1. NoctisXI and Eclipse X (iOS 11)
Both NoctisXI and Eclipse X offer a system-wise dark/night mode, and work best together, with the former offering dark notifications and widgets and the latter, a “Midnight mode” that leverages the OLED display of the iPhone X with black UI elements. Both tweaks also allow individual apps to be switched to dark mode.
NoctisXI: $1.99 | Eclipse X: $1.00
Repo: repo.packix.com
2. DarkMessages
Gives the Messages app, as well as its Quick Reply interface, a dark mode and lets you customize the color of speech bubbles.
Price: Free
Repo: BigBoss
3. IGDarkMode
Brings night mode to Instagram.
Price: Free
Repo: repo.packix.com
4. FacebookDarkMode
Brings 10+ dark themes to Facebook and lets you pick out your own tones for the interface.
Price: $1.50
Repo: repo.packix.com
5. BlackOutCC
Adds a dark mode to the Control Center and lets you hide the status bar within the Control Center view. The tweak is compatible with NoctisXI and Silo.
Price: Free
Repo: smokin1337.github.io
Honorable Mentions
- Activator
- Anemone
- iCleaner Pro
- Flame
- Cylinder
- iFile
- Filza
- Peek-a-Boo
- Xen HTML
- ConditionalWiFi3
- AudioRecorder 2
- Glacier
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