Respring / Restart iOS 9 SpringBoard From The App Switcher

With the iOS 9-toting iPhone, iPad and iPod touch now able to free itself from Apple’s shackles thanks to Pangu’s jailbreak tool, system tweaks for the latest iteration of the mobile OS are steadily making their way to the Cydia jailbreak store. While some iOS 9-exclusive helping users on older devices mimic features currently only available on the iPhone 6s & 6s Plus while others aim to improve performance or hide new system features such as the Back to App shortcut.


While that’s all very attractive, a lot of seasoned jailbreak users are probably waiting intently for their old bag of tweaks to get updated for iOS 9 or for new, similar tweaks to come take their place so they can enjoy the features they had grown used to on previous jailbroken setups. If you jailbroke your device on iOS 7, you might remember a few Cydia tweaks that made innovative use of the new card-based app switcher. Of particular use to compulsive tweak installers was SwitchSpring by HASHBANG Productions, which allowed users to quickly restart the SpringBoard or quit all apps from the app switcher by swiping up on the Home screen card.


A new tweak called EasyRespring by Satori does the same thing with the iOS 9 app switcher but without the option to quite apps. The tweak doesn’t have any options to configure. After installation and a respring, restarting your SpringBoard will be a couple interactions away. All you have to do is double-press the Home button to bring up the app switcher, then swipe upwards on the Home screen preview to dismiss it, and voila! Easy respring, indeed.


If you find yourself fiddling with tweaks and their settings, this tweak is a must-have for you. It’s a one-trick pony for now, but so was the aforementioned SwitchSpring, which added the option to kill apps later on, an idea we’re hoping EasyRespring’s developer will pick up on.

You can download the tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo. The tweak is compatible with both iOS 9 and iOS 8.

Liked this post? Don’t forget to check out our archive of reviewed Cydia tweaks.

Sameed Khan

I write, game, design at times, and revel in sarcasm. You can find me on Twitter.