How To View Saved WiFi Network Passwords On iPhone
You might have all your frequently used WiFi access points saved on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, but if you’ve ever had a friend ask you for the hard-to-recall key to your favorite coffee shop’s WiFi network, you probably know that there’s no way to view saved WiFi passwords on iOS.
Unless you have unusually strong memory, you’re bound to forget such keys sooner or later, especially if you have an extensive list of saved networks. Even if a friend never asks, you might bring along a new device and find yourself straining to remember the key, ultimately having to ask the waiter again. It’s not a problem that you’re likely to face frequently, but it’s definitely one to which most users wouldn’t mind having a solution handy. For a solution of this nature, though, you’ll have to look to the jailbreak store. In what follows, we’ll explore two easy solutions for jailbroken devices, each with its own benefits.
The first is a simple, free system tweak by Qusic that adds the option to view saved WiFi network keys right within the Wi-Fi section of the Settings app. NetworkList doesn’t require any configuration. After installation and a respring, you’ll see a new Known Networks option at the bottom of the WiFi settings menu.
Selecting said option will display a list of all saved networks along with their keys. Tap a network to copy its SSID (name) or password to the clipboard, hit Edit to remove networks one by one, or collectively export all networks and their passwords using the option at the bottom of the list. Note that, at the time of this writing, the third option doesn’t seem to play well with the iOS 9 Settings app.
NetworkList can be downloaded from Cydia’s BigBoss repository and is compatible with iOS 9, 8, 7 and 6.
Wifi Passwords List
The second solution comes in the form of a separate app by Aaron Ash that’ll allow you to shield your list of saved WiFi passwords from prying eyes if need be. If you find the need to lend your iOS device to others on occasion, you might not want all your access point keys visible within a place as frequented as the WiFi settings menu.
That’s not the only benefit the app offers over its competition, though. WiFiPasswords is particularly better suited to handle longer lists of saved networks with a search bar at the top and the option to sort through the list by SSID, password or time last connected in the top-left corner. The app also allows you to view info regarding the time each network was last joined as well as advanced parameters meant for the networks-savvy among us.
To copy a network’s password or SSID, simply hold down on it, or tap it once and then long-press either parameter in the screen that follows. The button in the top-right corner of the main screen lets you copy the entire list of SSIDs and passwords to the clipboard or share the same through email.
Wifi Passwords List is available for free under the BigBoss repo and has been confirmed to work iOS 9, 8 and 7. There is another app on the same repository called WiFi Passwords (by Malcom Hall) that is virtually identical to this Ash’s offering sans the sorting feature, and it quotes compatibility with iOS 6 as well.
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