How To Get iPhone 6s Live Wallpapers On Android

Among mobile platforms, Google’s Android has always been known as the more flexible option, and not because the relative ease with which Android-running devices can be freed from their firmware shackles. The OS itself has a plethora of built-in cosmetic and practical customization options, most of which were introduced quite a long while ago – live wallpapers, for example.


Apple, on the other hand, has proved time and time again that it knows design. The new Apple Watch-style Live wallpapers that come packed with the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are no exception. Although the Play Store has a much larger repository of live wallpapers, many as good as Apple’s animated offerings, if not better, even the most die-hard of Android fans can’t be blamed for wanting a taste of the latter, if only to show their iPhone-toting friends that they can. Plus, the wallpapers really do look gorgeous.

In what follows, we’ll explain how you can use iPhone 6s or 6s Plus Live wallpapers with your Android device. You won’t be able to clone the iOS 9 Live wallpaper experience perfectly, but it works quite well and doesn’t seem to be as big of a battery hog either, provided you use it right.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Download one or both of the following Live wallpaper packs to your computer.

Download iPhone 6s Live Wallpapers

Download iPhone 6s Plus Live Wallpapers

Note:  Which one is more suited to your device depends on the resolution of its screen. If you’re confused, simply download both and try them out one by one.

2. Unzip the downloaded package(s), connect your Android device to your computer, and transfer the extracted video files to it.

3. On your Android device, install Video Live Wallpaper Pro FREE from the Google Play Store and launch the app from the app drawer.

4. Tap Gallery and select one of the videos you copied earlier.


5. Enable the Loop Video option if it is disabled.

6. Hit Set Wallpaper followed by Apply.


7. On your home screen, double-tap an empty space to pause the live wallpaper’s looping video playback, and double-tap again to resume. The same won’t work on the lock screen, though.


That’s it! Your Android device is now the proud owner of iPhone 6s-exclusive Live wallpapers. How does it feel to have sinned so?

Looking for a way to get the same wallpapers on an old iOS 9-compatible device? We have a guide for that too. Check it out here: Get iPhone 6s Live Wallpapers On iPhone 6 Or Older Devices.

Sameed Khan

I write, game, design at times, and revel in sarcasm. You can find me on Twitter.